No, I am not a new Tabloid Reporter, but it is a feature so
that we can all get to know each other better.
It struck me recently how much time I spend on this computer every day, blogging, chatting or playing games on Facebook,
emailing friends and relatives,
making cards and calendars, etc. etc. etc.
We depend on each other for book reviews, giveaways, encouragement, friendship, but how well do we really know each other?
So that is what this meme is all about,
getting to know each other.
Each Thursday I will post 3 questions for you to answer that you can copy and post on your blog with your answers.
You don’t have to be a blogger to participate either. I will be using a Linky List for the blogs to use to participate and follow each other around to get to know each other, but if you are not a blogger just answer the questions in the comment section following the post on your favorite blog.
This way we not only get to know other bloggers,
we get to know our followers too.
I am really excited about this meme
and hope many more people will join the fun.
Are you interested?
1. Have you started you Christmas shopping already?
2. Doctors are recommending that everyone get a flu shot this year, will you be getting one?
3. If you could have lunch with any Reality Show Celebrity who would it be?
There that should be pretty painless and easy. Now be sure to copy and paste the information and your answers into your blog, then come back to link up, so we can come to your blog and read your answers. I hope you will come back to this meme every week and tell your friends so we can all get to know each other better and get the answers to all the questions
Enquiring Minds Want To Know!!
My Answers:
I have some ideas but have yet to make any purchases.
2. Doctors are recommending that everyone get a flu shot this year, will you be getting one?
I got one a few years ago and still got sick, so I haven't for a while, and with this blasted cold I've had all week was unable to get one yesterday at the doctor, but I think with all the predictions this may be the year to get one.
3. If you could have lunch with any Reality Show Celebrity who would it be?

Let's get to know YOU!!
This Enquiring Mind Wants To Know!
I love this idea! Great questions! I am your newest follower! I hope you have a great day!
Check out my site!
I didn't see this post until Friday night (BOO!) but will catch it next week (unless, of course, I forget!) I agree with you on Scott...what a gold-digging weirdo! My pick on #3 would be Caroline Manzo from Real Housewives of NJ...she could be my best friend!
Oohhh... I'd love to join. Tomorrow is Thursday.. So are these the questions for tomorrow? Or do you have a new set of questions..?
new questions will go up at 12:01 am tomorrow. I would love to have you join us!!!!
The linky will be open until the following Tuesday. It is never too late to join!!! Please join us!!!
Hope to see you tomorrow!!!
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