"All the best stories in the world are but one story in reality -- the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape."
--Author Christopher Benson



Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Special Tuesday Edition of Cozy Wednesday------ A Parfait Murder by Wendy Lyn Watson

I love this time of the month when all the Cozy Mysteries arrive from Berkley Prime Crime and Obsidian but to get all the reviews posted I need to expand Cozy Wednesdays to Tuesdays and sometimes other days too.  June is truly a great month for Cozy Mysteries!!! Today I get to share one of these excellent books!!! 

An Obsidian Mystery
A Division of Penguin Books

A Mystery A La Mode
3rd in the Series
ISBN-10: 0451233808
ISBN-13: 978-0451233806

Release Date: June 7, 2011

It's time for the Lantana County Fair and Tally's cousin Bree is manning the A La Mode booth when she spots her ex-husband walking through the midway with a thick wallet and a babe on his arm.  Bree is beyond mad, this man left her "high and dry" with an infant to raise and no financial support whatsoever.  She decides it is time to sue for Child Support. Then her ex serves her with paternity papers asking her to prove her daughter is really his.

Bree gets into a sticky situation when she meets with her exes lawyer on the Haunted Rodeo ride at the fair when shots ring out and the lawyer is dead and Bree is found holding a gun.  So now is Bree is suspected of murder, confused about her daughter's paternity and knows the only reason he ex would come back to Dalliance is if he is running a scam.

So Tally has her hands full running her store, running the booth at the fair, judging the food competitions at the fair, now she may also be losing her boyfriend, is taking care of Bree's daughter and helping her understand what is going on, but she also has to prove Bree is not a killer.  Tally may be an ice cream expert but she is going to need a little help from her friends to get the scoop on who really killed the lawyer and churn out who is really behind the scam that brought all this sandal to the county fair.

Wendy Lyn Watson's stories are a joy to read and always lead to me sending someone out for ice cream. 

I love the characters, the way she sets the scene and the way she churns together mystery, romance and humor. There is just one scoop after another scoop of pure elation.  Her books are one of my true guilty pleasures and she always leaves me want more.

Get the scoop on this wonderful series today!!  The whole series is a super sweet tasty treat.  Thankfully the stories do not melt away!!!

Your Escape With A Good Book Travel Agent


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Berkley Prime Crime, A Division of Penguin Books. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

Monday, May 30, 2011

It's Monday!! What Are You Reading??

This great meme is hosted by Sheila at

It's a great way to start the week and
find out what other bloggers are reading.
My To-Be-Read pile has grown to an
unbelievable number thanks to this meme.

Alice Bliss: A Novel
Alice Bliss
by Laura Harrington
Release Date: June 6, 2011
Review and Q&A June 5th.

Ink Flamingos: A Tattoo Shop Mystery

Ink Flamingos

by Karen E. Olson

Karen will be here on June 8th!!

A Parfait Murder: A Mystery A La Mode
A Parfait Murder
by Wendy Lyn Watson
Review will be posed tomorrow!!

Finger Lickin' Dead (A Memphis BBQ Mystery)
Finger Lickin' Dead
by Riley Adams
Review coming soon!!

Dire Threads (A Threadville Mystery)
Dire Threads
by Janet Bolin
Brand New Series!!!
Janet will be Guest Posting June 22!

Sentenced to Death (A Booktown Mystery)
Sentenced To Death
by Lorna Barrett
Released Date: June 7, 2011

Grace Interrupted (A Manor House Mystery)
Grace Interrupted
by Julie Hyzy
Release Date: June 7, 2011
Julie Will Be Guest Posting 
Here On June 15th!!

To Sketch a Thief (A Portrait of Crime Mystery)
To Sketch A Thief
by Sharon Pape
Release Date: June 7, 2011

Check out giveaways in the left sidebar and be sure to enter!!

Tomorrow is the last day of the 
Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop!
A link to over 300 giveaways can be found in the post!

Have a great week READING!!!

Your Escape With A Good Book Travel Agent



I love this fun new meme sponsored by Xmas DollyLorie from The Shewbridges of CelebrationCallie at Jamerican Spice and Larry from Cakeblast.  Everyone has made me feel so welcome. This meme is so much fun and so easy!!!  Just go to one of the links above for the details and enjoy the music.

This week theme is Summer Songs!!!

I will be sharing more Summer Songs 
all Summer long!!! 
This post could have went on forever!!

Can't think of a better way to start the week!!!
C'mon join the fun!!!!
Click on one of the links above, 
and link up with your favorite songs!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

On Maggie's Watch by Ann Wertz Garvin Giveaway Winner


You have won my copy of 
On Maggie's Watch
Winner chosen by Random.org
Thank you to everyone who entered!!!
Stay tuned for more Book Reviews, Recommendations,
Random Thoughts & Giveaways!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Welcome to
Feel GooFriday!!!

Erika had found that a lot of her bloggy friends reading posts about being positive, so she thought she might try her very own meme. She just wanted everyone to feel good and have some happy thoughts as you begin the weekend.  Go over to her blog for the details.

"The Girl" is busy constructing a new website so for the time being this feature is being hosted by lia sophia tomgirl.  She has a great blog, be sure to check it out!

What a week around the world:
  • The  world did not come to an end.
  • Devastating tornadoes whipped through the country again.
  • A Democrat was elected to Congress from a New York District that has always voted Republican.
  • Wisconsin passed one of the toughest Voted ID laws in the country while at the same time sending a Concealed/Carry Gun bill through committee that requires no training or permit.  Making it harder to vote in Wisconsin than to carry a gun.
  • Hines Ward and Kym Johnson won Dancing With The Stars.
  • Scotty McCreery won American Idol.
  • Olivia Ward won The Biggest Loser after her making it to the finals with her sister Hannah Curlee.
  • Kim Kardashian is engaged to Kris Humphries of the New York Nets.
And that's just a few of the headlines.  Some make me Feel Good, others make me sad, some make me mad and others are just news.

Here on the home front, kids are going to be enjoying their last long weekend and then about 2 more weeks of school, they are playing softball and baseball, participating in track events, studying for final exams and a few like my son are getting ready for graduation.  His college orientation takes place a full week before his high school graduation so he has that to look forward to as well.

I had a lot of fun this week catching up with my old high school friends. Pictures were posted on Facebook from elementary school (boy, I was an ugly kid) and even a picture of our entire graduating class.  I needed to download it and zoom in to find myself. We should have had our 30th year class reunion in 2009 but it didn't happen so some friends are arranging a party for this September, plus I started a group on Facebook just for the Class of 1979 where we can meet, share stories and pictures with having to friend each other.  The biggest joy is something I have been trying to avoid but can't, most of us have or will be celebrating our 50th birthday this year.  I guess that is another good reason for a party.

What made you Feel Good this week?
I hope you will take just a moment to share it with me.

Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop!!

There are over 300 blogs participating in this HOP!!!
Dollycas's Thoughts is #153


My giveaway features some very special 
Advance Reader Copy books!!

I have been very fortunate to receive a few ARC's and love sharing them with you but I do not think that selling an ARC is okay, at all! 

They are not meant to be sold so they should not be sold. Period.

It is perfectly fine to share them with your friends but please never ever sell them.

Publishers are giving less and less of them away and if they are found listed on E-bay or any other sale site they will no longer provide these advance copies.

Many of the ones I receive are on my keeper shelf as they are truly like presents, but for this giveaway I have pulled a few off the shelf to share under the condition that you agree to keep or share but never sell them.

Remember these are Advance Reader Copies and may not have the beautiful cover shown and are uncorrected so there may be typos.

The Survivor by Sean Slater
The Survivor. by Sean Slater
The Survivor is about a cop who runs into an Active Shooter situation at his daughter's high school. Of course, everything at Saint Patrick's High isn't as it appears, and soon Homicide Detective Jacob Striker finds himself in a very dangerous world, one that not only puts him directly in the line of fire, but his daughter as well.


Friendship Bread by Darien Gee 
Friendship Bread: A Novel
Friendship Bread begins with the mysterious present of starter bread batter and expands to show how the smallest gifts can change entire lives.


The Social Climber's Handbook by Molly Jong-Fast
The Social Climber's Handbook: A Novel
The world is on the brink of financial collapse--a disaster for many, but a total meltdown for Upper East Side housewife Daisy Greenbaum. 


Fill out the form below to enter.
Fill out a separate form 
for each book you would like to win!
Followers will receive 5 extra entries for each entry.
U.S. Residents Only
Contest runs from May 25-MAY 31.
Winners will be chosen using Random.org and will be announced on June 1.  Winners will also be notified via email.

Take some time to check out the other giveaways in the left sidebar too!!!!