No, I am not a new Tabloid Reporter, but it is a feature so
that we can all get to know each other better.
This feature will be open from Thursday at 12:01 A.M. and close on Monday at 11:59 P.M. to allow those that want to participate over the weekend the opportunity to do so when they have more time. So you may want to check back on Tuesday or check the previous week's link on Thursday to view everyone's answers.
Links to all previous weeks at the bottom of the post for those who missed a week or two and want to catch up on everyone's answers. To do that please link up using the actual post link instead of the link to your entire blog so people can find your "Enquiring" posts easier.
If you are just joining this feature
We all become friends/followers but most of us will never meet in person, this feature is to help us all get to know each other better.
Each Thursday I will post 3 questions for you to answer that you can copy and post on your blog with your answers.
You don’t have to be a blogger to participate either. I will be using a Linky List for the blogs to use to participate and follow each other around to get to know each other, but if you are not a blogger just answer the questions in the comment section following the post on your favorite blog. Please feel free to click on the links and visit other blogs too.
This way we not only get to know other bloggers,
we get to know our followers too.
I am really excited about this meme
and hope many more people will join the fun!!!!!
Are you interested?
1. Do/did your kids or grandkids take part in sports organized by school or recreation departments?
2. Were you involved in any sports while growing up?
3. How are you planning to spend Thanksgiving?
I hope you will come back to this meme every week and tell your friends so we can all get to know each other better and get the answers to all the questions
Enquiring Minds Want To Know!!
1. Do/did your kids or grandkids take part in sports organized by school or recreation departments?
All of our kids played basketball and were on the swim team through the years, the girls also played volleyball, softball and even cheer-leading. Jayme has played baseball too. It is so hard to believe he is a Senior and this is the last year of high school basketball and baseball until grandson Kaden starts school. I have a feeling Jeff and I will still attend some of the basketball games even when our kids aren't playing. High School basketball is a really good addiction.
2. Were you involved in any sports while growing up?
My children definitely did not get their athletic ability from me. I was on the gymnastic team in high school as a vaulter, and was a cheerleader in Junior High. Their dad, on the other hand, was on the baseball team and held several high school records, some of which were broken just in the past few years. He played Softball for years after we were married too in a city league and tournaments. He even tried out for a major league baseball team after high school. He is also a swimmer and did play basketball too.
3. How are you planning to spend Thanksgiving?

10 comments: images today. Got a late start.
Where has the week gone? We are at Thurs again!
Q's not for me this week. We are not a sporty family and being in England we do not have Thanksgiving.
enjoy ur week and Thanksgiving
Sorry Carol, I'll make better world wide questions next week, thanks for stopping by.
I have no children or grandchildren so no to #1....
Myself for question #2 is a definite yes, basketball, volleyball and track as well as non sport events like One-Act Play and Ready Writing and Shorthand and Prose/Poetry reading... I loved my last 3 years of High School because of the extra curricular activities got to participate in!
#3 Thanksgiving is upon us, yay Turkey day with all the trimmings at my house means Me doing all the fixing and my Mom and Husband helping me eat it! 4 day weekend and that is the one I am excited about as my sweetie gets to be home all 4 days!
Will probably never do a post, but do read the questions every week Lori....
jackie >_<
PS will be taking myself offline tomorrow and Saturday, need some catch up time as this week has been non-stop not getting anything done....
My kids were very involved in sports from elementary through high school. When my youngest was finished with sports, I was ever so glad to take a break! It has been just about a year and I don't miss it one bit!
I was involved in track and gymnastics in high school.
I will be cooking this year (first time in many) for the family. Since our kids are still young adults, I will be preparing everything! But glad to have them all home again.
Lori, I laughed when I got your comment the other day. My puppy was attempting to help last night as well. Secretariat was incredible and I hope you and your family enjoy it. I love Diane Lane, and i will be asking for the movie for Christmas/Birthday whenever it comes out. Great questions this week! Hope you have a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving week!
My son played some baseball in grade school. My grandson does bowling. I tried track in high school. For Thanksgiving I am working.
Sue B
Hi Dollycas! Good questions this week! I've signed up and left a link. Do I assume you will be too busy eating turkey next week? Or should I stop by?? I haven't met a turkey I don't like, so I may be sleeping on the couch!
Barb, there will be questions next week, how much turkey did you eat? What kind of pie? Did you watch enough football?
Just kidding about those questions, but there will be real questions posted next week. :)
I like those questions!! How about....did you need new shocks on your car, either to get the food to the party, or to get you and your family home ;)
btw....there is only ONE type of :)
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